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Sala 1 Theater Architecture

Capitel corintio de arenisca del pórtico tras la escena

Corinthian capital Carrara


This large room contains the collection of monumental architecture. Here are the keys needed to understand the architecture of the building through the exhibition of original pieces plus a mock-up and other educational elements.

Returning to the inside of the museum, the height of the room has allowed the curator to recreate first hand a stage with original elements. The Corinthian capitals are made out of Carrara marble and are decorated with a double crown of Acanthus leaves. Between the leaves of the second crown sprout curved tendrils which coil and twist at the ends. These capitals are reproductions of models found in the official architecture of the Urbs, before the change of Age.

The bases are made of the same material as the capitals and are composite-type capitals and bases and the columns are carved in pink travertine from a quarry located in the area of the Cerro de la Almagra (Mula), approximately seventy kilometres from Cartagena. Along with the stone elements of the stage, made by high quality craftsmen, there are capitals on pedestals in the porticus post scaenam, in this case made from local sandstone.

The visitor can also explore in more depth other aspects of the theatre through other exhibits, such as the interactive, virtual exhibits in which included other interesting information relating to the construction of the theatre: the planning, people who participated in its creation, the gathering of materials from main marble quarries in the Mediterranean, the choice of construction materials from local quarries, the construction techniques used, as well as the use of each part of the Cartagena Roman Theatre.

The architecture of the theatre and the quality of the materials make it a magnificent example of a public and monumental building from the Augustan era, whose image, dressed in a toga with a veiled head, preside over the room as the benefactor of the city.

Corinthian capital from the porticus post scaenam.
Corinthian capitals
Virtual restitution of the scenic facade of Cartagena’s Roman theatre.

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