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Exposiciones temporales


  • 07/03/2023 - 16/10/2023

The exhibition is divided into three thematic blocks, which are collected through texts and photographs; some from the Museum's Photographic Archive, others by photographers such as Díaz Burgos, José Albaladejo, Antonio Gómez Ribelles or José Gabriel Gómez, the evolution of research work, the fifteen years of life of the Museum after its inauguration and the current intervention project in the west portico of the theater funded with Next Generation funds.

The first block conveys to the visitor what the discovery of the Roman Theater meant in one of the most depressed neighborhoods of the city, as well as the history of its recovery. A long, complex, but exciting process that culminated in the inauguration of the Roman Theater Museum on July 11, 2008, and its fifteen years of life as the Museum.

The second block brings us closer to the current state of knowledge of the porticus post scaenam, this space is located at the back of the stage building. Its architecture is broadly known from the interventions carried out between 1999 and 2006. It is a large public space with a quadrangular floor plan, with a double gallery that surrounds a landscaped central space, planned in the same construction process as the Roman theater building.

The exterior gallery that surrounds the central square is built with Ionic capitals on a continuous podium, while the interior has a colonnade crowned with Corinthian capitals that separated both naves, and was closed by a powerful ashlar wall, on whose lateral flanks Two semicircular exedras were arranged preceded by two columns, creating an excellent scenographic resource, regardless of the tectonic value they might have.

The third block is dedicated to the mural painting located in the intervention carried out in the western sector of the portico in 2006, which revealed the existence of two rooms that compartmentalized the interior gallery, whose collapsed levels presented a rich pictorial program. The current intervention project financed with European funds NextGeneration aims to: complete the extraction of the mural paintings from the rooms, expand the archaeological excavation towards the central square of the porticus, as well as the enhancement of the western portico. It also incorporates the restoration of the upper part of a panel located inside the western gallery and its subsequent placement in the Museum, uniting the more than two thousand fragments extracted in 2006 with those that have been recovered in the new performance.

The tour of the graphic panels of the exhibition is accompanied by the model of the Roman theater project and by the display in showcases of some plaques with mural painting, one decorated with fictitious architecture and another with concentric floral and geometric medallions located in the western portico. . In another showcase, the research and dissemination work carried out by the Museum is displayed.

Temporary Exhibition Hall of the Roman Theater Museum of Cartagena
Roman Theater Museum of Cartagena
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 9
30201 Cartagena, Murcia (Spain)
Telephone: (+34) 968 504 802

Roman Theater Foundation of Cartagena:
City Hall from Cartagena
Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
Fundación Caja Murcia
Fundación Iberdrola

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