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  • 18/05/2022 - 25/06/2022

The Nano-Heritage exhibition takes the visitor to the UPCT Research Project, which addresses the conservation of porous materials such as sandstone from the Roman theater. In the construction of the building were used various types of stone including yellow sandstone ashlars from the Roman quarries of the council of Canteras, so that in the tour of the exhibition emphasizes both its landscape and geological value of the same as in its scientific and predictive interest in the alteration of materials, since the same patterns of alteration of the stone in the quarry are also reproduced in monuments and historic buildings in the city.

The exhibition shows high-resolution images and unpublished perspectives of the quarries using drone flights. In addition, visitors can visualize the quarry in 3D using a QR code to discover other details and singularities of the stone. In addition, a series of illustrative panels highlight common alterations observed in the sandstone of the theater.

The exhibition continues with images of the Roman Forum, whose lime plaster is an ideal material for the application of consolidants based on lime nanoparticles, Ca(OH)2. Therefore, the research group's line of work proposes the use of consolidant nanoparticle treatments that are adaptable in composition to the characteristics of the host material.

A series of scientific photography panels explain in a simple way the morphological characteristics of the nanoparticles, whose size is much smaller than the pores of the stone or plaster. The exhibition is completed with the display of instruments and real samples used in the project's research in a tabletop showcase.

Finally, an explanatory video shows all phases of the project, funded by the Seneca Foundation - Science and Technology Agency of the Region of Murcia (Ref: 20891/PI/18), developed by professors of the School of Architecture and Building and researchers of the AMBAR group of the UPCT (, composed of David Navarro, Victoria E. García, Juan Antonio Madrid and Marcos Lanzón as IP of the group, and where the Roman Theatre Museum of Cartagena has collaborated.

Organized by
School of Architecture and Building and researchers of the AMBAR group of the UPCT.
Cartagena Roman Theater Museum
Seneca Foundation

Temporary exhibition, Museum of the Roman Theater of Cartagena
From May 18 to June 25, 2022
Museum of the Roman Theater of Cartagena
Town Hall Square, 9
30201 Cartagena, Murcia (Spain)
Phone number: (+34) 968 504 802

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